Instructional Focus
Instructional Priority Focus
If P4K school leaders enhance teacher and support staff understanding of literacy utilizing the 3E Model (Explore, Engage, Evaluation) and Center based learning through coaching, focused Professional Development, intervisitations, and Professional Learning Communities, then teachers will be able to implement literacy curricula programs that develop individual student foundational literacy skills and goals, increases student engagement, and promotes independence in school and their communities.

- Meet with District 75 Leadership to ensure alignment of P4K and District 75 priorities
- Revise CEP Goal #1 to ensure alignment with Instructional Priority Focus
- Revise P4K Literacy/Vision Plan
- Review Advance MOTP data –Additional support needed in 3b: Q&D
- Lead revision of P4K vision with stakeholders
- Work with Teaching Lab and vendors
- Coaching Institute for Instructional Coaches
- Identify targeted professional development for school leaders, teachers and support staff
- Create teaming opportunities for teachers and support staff
- Message and implement P4K Instructional Priority Focus with school community (including parents)
- Align budget to P4K Instructional priority focus
- Supervise instruction on an ongoing basis

- Supervise instruction on an ongoing basis
- Support in the implementation of assessments, data collection, review and action planning
- Revise and finetune existing protocols used in PLCs to provide professional development centered around the intersection between 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques and the 3E Instructional Model.
- Facilitate Teaching Lab support visits and PLCs
- Create Professional Learning Community PD Calendar
- Establish and provide tiered support for teachers – identify coaching needs, engage in action planning and monitor support from P4K Instructional Coaches
- Conduct classroom visits/walkthroughs
- Facilitate Family Literacy Nights and parent night/ trainings

- Administer assessments (including curricula and academic screeners), engage in data collection, review and action planning
- Participate in targeted professional development from vendors, Teaching Lab, and P4K Instructional Coaches
- Implement literacy curricula during 90-minute literacy block - Use the 3E Instructional Model and Center-based learning
- Embed 3b: Using Questioning and Discussion Techniques in the 3e: Instructional Model
- Participate in Intervisitations
- Participate and receive tiered supports
- Receive ongoing feedback and support from P4K school leaders